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Responses and Replies

Response to a Motion

To file a response to a motion, follow the standard filing procedure. Choose Responses and Replies from the main Criminal menu and then select one of the following events, as appropriate:

  • Response
  • Response in Opposition to Motion
  • Response in Support of Motion
  • Response to Motion

After attaching your document, the system will show a list of all pending motions. Check the motion(s) to which your response relates, and continue as you would for filing any other document.

Reminder: Responses to motions and subsequent replies must be linked to the motion.

Reply to a Response to a Motion

To file a reply to a response to a motion,  follow the standard filing procedure. Choose Responses and Replies from the main Criminal menu and then select Reply to Response to Motion.

After attaching your document, the system will show a list of all pending motions. Check the motion(s) to which your reply relates – do not link to the Response. Continue as you would for filing any document.