Staff Directory by Department: Attorney Admissions (including pro hac vice applications, certificates of good standing, etc.): 410-962-3293 Case Related Inquiries: Jury: 1-866-277-3073 (toll free) Related Agencies: Traffic and Other Petty Offenses (CVB): Baltimore: 410-962-2705, Greenbelt: 301-344-0656 Transcripts: Main Number: Baltimore: 410-962-2600 or Greenbelt: 301-344-0660 If you have a case related inquiry, you may contact the Clerk’s Office by telephone during regular business hours, mail, or via the after-hours night-drop box. We will not respond to case related inquiries submitted via this form. Nothing you submit on this form will be read or considered by the presiding judge in your case. Self-represented individuals may utilize EDSS to submit documents for the judge's consideration. Please use the below form to receive an e-mail response within 1-2 business days: Name * E-mail Address * Phone Number * Subject * Category * - Select -Attorney AdmissionsCase RelatedComplaints, Comments, and PraisesCourtroom ServicesJury InformationMedia InquiryTraffic and Petty Offenses (CVB)TranscriptsWebsite Correction Message * CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Math question * 15 + 0 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.