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Docket Sheet

This report allows you to access the docket sheet for a particular case. You may choose to view the documents in either chronological or reverse chronological order. You may limit the portion of the docket sheet you are viewing by entering either a date range or range of document numbers. Limiting the amount of the docket you want to view will reduce the PACER fee and in cases where the docket sheet has many entries can reduce the amount of time it takes to access it.
To obtain a docket sheet, 

  1. Click Reports on the main menu bar.
  2. Click Docket Sheet.
  3. Enter the case number, then click Find This Case.
  4. Depending on how much of the docket you would like to view and in what order, select your options and then click Run Report.

The Sort by drop-down list on the Docket Sheet selection criteria screen includes a Document number option. If selected, those entries without document numbers will appear chronologically within the entries that do have document numbers.