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Add Attorney

On the left side of the screen click the Add Attorney icon (shown below)next to one of the parties you represent.


The right side of the screen will display a field to search for your name.

  1. Enter your name, and click Search
  2. Select your name from the list, and click Select Attorney.
  3. The next screen will display your name and contact information. DO NOT CHANGE ANY ATTORNEY CONTACT INFORMATION DISPLAYED ON THAT SCREEN. If your contact information needs to be changed please follow these instructions: Updating Attorney Contact Information.

If you are representing additional parties in the case, you can then copy your information to the other parties.

  1. On the left side of the screen click the Copy Attorney icon (shown above) next to the party to which you want to be added.
  2. On the right side of the screen a check box will be displayed next to your name.
  3. Click the box, then click Copy Attorneys.

If there is no alias for any party, continue to Create the Case.

If there is an alias for any party, continue to Adding Aliases.