Original of Proposed Amendment to Accompany Motion
Whenever a party files a motion requesting leave to file an amended filing, the original of the proposed amended document must accompany the motion. If the motion is granted, an additional copy of the amended document need not be filed. The amended document will be deemed to have been served, for the purpose of determining the time for response under Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a), on the date the Court grants leave for its filing.
Exhibits to Amended Documents
Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, only newly added exhibits are to be attached to an amended document. However, if the amended document adds a new party, counsel must serve all exhibits referred to in the amended document upon the new party.
Identification of Amendments
Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the party filing an amended document must file and serve (1) a clean copy of the amended document and (2) a copy of the amended document in which stricken material has been lined through or enclosed in brackets and new material has been underlined or set forth in bold-faced type. See Local Rule 103.6.
Attach the clean copy of the amended document as the Main Document and attach the “red-lined” version as an attachment.
Requested Consent of Other Counsel
Before filing a motion requesting leave to file an amended document, counsel must attempt to obtain the consent of other counsel. Counsel must state in the motion whether the other counsel consents to the motion.