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Consent to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing

Pursuant to Standing Order 2018-05, non-prisoner, self-represented litigants may now consent to receive notices of electronic filing via email.  Such notices shall constitute service of all items required to be served under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 5(a) and 77(d).  Any litigant who elects to receive this service will no longer receive paper copies of filings by mail.  Instead, they will receive an email notifying them that a filing has been entered in a case to which they are a party.  The litigant will be granted one "free look" to view this filed document at no cost.  Litigants are strongly encouraged to save or print the document at this time.  After this free view is used or expires after 15 days, the filed document may only be accessed through Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER).  Litigants may obtain a PACER account by registering online at  Anyone participating in this service is also required to promptly notify the Clerk's Office of any change to their email address. 

This service does NOT allow self-represented litigants to file documents electronically.  Non-prisoner, self-represented litigants may submit documents electronically to the Court using the Court's Electronic Document Submission System (EDSS).  Otherwise, self-represented litigants must continue to make Court filings either by hand delivery to the Clerk's Office or by First Class Mail and must continue to serve opposing parties by First Class Mail.

If you'd like to participate in this service, please complete the Consent by Self-Represented Litigant to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing form and submit it to the Clerk's Office.