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Traffic/Petty Offenses

The Central Violations Bureau (CVB) is a national center responsible for processing violation notices (tickets) issued and payments received for petty offenses charged on a federal violation notice. This includes violations that occur on federal property such as federal buildings, national parks, military installations, post offices, Veteran Affairs medical centers, national wildlife refuges, and national forests.

Federal tickets are issued by law enforcement personnel from agencies such as the U.S. Park Police, U.S. Naval Academy, Andrews Air Force Base, Patuxent Naval Station, Ft. George G. Meade, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Ft. Detrick, National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Rangers, U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Department of Defense Police, U.S. Coast Guard, Postal Police, and Federal Protective Service. If the ticket you received says "U.S. District Court Violation Notice" across the top, then you received a federal ticket.

If your violation notice indicates that a court appearance is "mandatory," you will have to appear in court as indicated on your violation notice. If your appearance is not mandatory and you would like to make a fixed-sum payment in lieu of a court appearance for certain offenses, the payment is made directly to the Central Violations Bureau. You should not mail a payment to the Court, unless directed to do so by the Court.

For more information about the Central Violations Bureau and how to pay your ticket (online or by mail), please visit: or contact CVB directly at 1-800-827-2982 and press "0" to get an operator.

The Baltimore Division has jurisdiction over the following federal property, which includes, but is not limited to:
  • Aberdeen Proving Ground
  • Ft. Detrick/Hagerstown
  • Ft. Meade
  • National Security Agency ("NSA")
  • United States Naval Academy
  • Social Security
  • Veterans Affairs Hospital
The Greenbelt Division has jurisdiction over the following federal property, which includes, but is not limited to:
  • Andrews Air Force Base
  • National Institutes of Health ("NIH")/Bethesda
  • Patuxent River Naval Air Station ("Pax River")
  • United States Park Police (including Baltimore/Washington Parkway)

The Salisbury Division has jurisdiction over the following federal property, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Salisbury
  • Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
  • Assateague Island National Seashore