CJA 20/21 Forms
Upon appointment, a link is created in eVoucher from which counsel can create CJA 20 and 21 vouchers. Additional information about eVoucher usage is available on our website at http://www.mdd.uscourts.gov/evoucher.
Within 45 days of the entry of judgment, completed CJA 20 and CJA 21 vouchers, with supporting documentation attached, must be submitted through eVoucher.
CJA 30/31 Forms
Upon appointment, a link is created in eVoucher from which counsel can create CJA 30 and 31 vouchers.
Once a budget has been approved by the presiding judge, counsel may submit interim vouchers on a monthly basis. Within 45 days of the entry of judgment, completed CJA 30 and CJA 31 vouchers must submitted with the required supporting documentation via eVoucher.
Budget Materials
Case budgets should be submitted to the CJA Coordinating Attorney
After approval by the presiding judge and the Chief Judge of the Circuit, the Clerk’s Office will file these documents under seal and they will not be viewable by the parties or the public.
Requests for funding for experts and other service providers should be filed via an AUTH in eVoucher. After approval by the presiding judge, the Clerk’s Office will file these documents under seal and they will not be viewable by the parties or the public.
Order Authorizing Interim Payment to Counsel, Experts, and Service Providers
These orders will be electronically filed by the Clerk’s Office and will be viewable by the parties and public, unless otherwise ordered.
CJA 23
The Clerk's Office will electronically file this document. The docket entry will be viewable by the parties and the public, but the document will be sealed.
CJA 24
This form is not filed electronically in CM/ECF.