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Standard Electronic Filing Procedure - Part 1

The following procedures outline the standard process for filing a document in CM/ECF.  Additional instructions and procedures concerning specific document types are available in the Electronic Case Filing Civil Procedures and the Electronic Case Filing Criminal Procedures.

1. Log On to CM/ECF

1. Go to PACER.

2. Locate District of Maryland - Document Filing System.

3. Enter your PACER credentials.

4. The client code field may be displayed and is optional and may be used for billing purposes. It will appear on your PACER billing reports so you may track usage on behalf of particular clients.

5. Click the redaction checkbox to indicate you have read and will comply with the redaction rules.

2. Select the Filing Event(s)

1. If you are filing in a civil case, click Civil on the top menu bar.  If you are filing in a criminal case, click Criminal on the top menu bar.

2. From the list of events, click the type of document you are filing.  

The system will display a menu of documents in that category.  Although every effort has been made to make sure the menus reflect the terminology commonly used in this district, it is possible the menu will not display exactly the same wording as is in the title of your document.  

Note: ​The Court does not expect you to change the title of your document to exactly match the terminology employed by the system.  If you are not sure what to select, please call the Clerk's Office for assistance.

All menus are in alphabetical order. You may scroll through them by using the arrows to the right of the menu or you may type in the first letter of the name of the document you are filing. This will take you to the first document on the list beginning with that letter (The documents in the list are also known as “events”).

3. Click on the name of the document you are filing and then click Next.
You can choose multiple events within the same category. For example, if you are filing a motion for a preliminary and permanent injunction, simply click on them and all of the events you have selected will appear in the text box entitled Selected Events.
If you click on an event by mistake, you can remove it from the Selected Events list by clicking on it.

3. Enter the Case Number

1. Enter your case number using one of the following formats: 
  • 99-12345
  • 1:99-cv-12345
  • 1-99-cv-12345
  • 99cv12345
  • 1:99cv12345

2. Click Find This Case. If there is more than one case matching the case number information you entered, the system will display a screen with the full numbers of any cases with that number.

3. Select the appropriate case and click Next.

Note: The system will automatically display the case number of the last case you accessed during the session. If it is the case number in which you are filing the document, click Next. Otherwise, enter a new case number as explained in step 1.  If it is not the correct case, simply click on your browser’s Back button and re-enter the case number.

Continue to Standard Electronic Filing Procedure - Part 2