Beginning July, 2012 all new CVB cases in the District of Maryland were included in CM/ECF. New CVB cases are entered into CM/ECF approximately two weeks prior to the Initial Appearance date.
As of November 1, 2012, attorneys are required to electronically file the following in CVB cases:
- Motions
- Responses to motions
- Replies to responses to motions
- Correspondence
- All notices - including notices of appeal
- Waivers of initial appearance
When filing in a CVB case, you will be required to enter the case number (not the citation number).
Locate the Case Number
- Log into CM/ECF.
- Click Query on the top menu bar.
- Enter your PACER login and password when prompted.
- At the bottom of the screen, enter the defendant’s last name and first name.
- Select Party as the Type.
- Click Run Query.
- The results will include the case number and name of the defendant you entered. All CVB cases will have a case type of either PO or MJ.
Entering an Appearance
Please use the following information to determine whether you need to enter an appearance in a CVB case:
SAUSAs (Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the District of Maryland)
SAUSAS do not need to enter appearances in CVB cases. Instead, attorneys should use the generic CM/ECF SAUSA account uniquely designated for each SAUSA location when filing in a CVB case for that location.
Members of the District of Maryland Bar
All members of this Court's bar should must file a Notice of Appearance in each case. This applies also to members of the U.S. Attorney's Office and Federal Public Defender's Office who are also members of this Court's bar.
Refer to Entering an Appearance for instructions on entering an appearance.
All Other Attorneys
All other attorneys must enter an appearance after obtaining local CM/ECF credentials. Refer to Special Appearances for additional information.
Members of the U.S. Attorney's Office or Federal Public Defender's Office for the District of Maryland who have previously obtained local CM/ECF credentials for criminal cases need not register for new credentials but must still enter a new appearance in each case.
Refer to Entering an Appearance for instructions on entering an appearance.