Even when those documents were not filed previously in CM/ECF, it is possible to link two or more documents to be filed in the same event by creating a hyperlink from the main document to an attachment.
a. Using WordPerfect to Create Hyperlinks Between Documents Filed in the Same Event
- Create the secondary WordPerfect document(s) (the attachment) to which the main document will be linked and convert it to PDF.
- Create/open the main document (the document that will have the hyperlink to the secondary document).
- Select the text in the main document that will be displayed as the hyperlink. Click Tools on the menu bar and select Hyperlink from the drop- down selection list. The Hyperlink Properties window will open.
- Click the Folder icon next to the Document/Macro field.
- Navigate to the folder in which the secondary document you wish to link to is located. Highlight the file and click the Select button. (The file selected as the link must be in PDF format.) Optional: Add a specific page number within the document. To do this, enter ?page=<page number>, e.g., Exhibit 2.pdf?page=23.
- Click OK in the Hyperlink Properties window. The hyperlink text will be underlined.
- Save the document and convert to PDF (skip to part c below).
b. Using Microsoft Word to Create Hyperlinks Between Documents Filed in the Same Event
- Create the secondary Word document(s) (the attachment) to which the main document will be linked and convert it to PDF.
- Create/open the main document (the document that will have the hyperlink to the secondary document).
- Select the text in the main document that will be displayed as the hyperlink. Click Insert on the menu bar and select Hyperlink.
- Navigate to the folder in which the secondary document you wish to link to is located. Highlight the file and click the OK button. (The file selected as the link must already be in PDF format.)
- The name of the selected file displays in the Address field.
- Click the OK button and the dialog box will close. The hyperlink text will be underlined.
- Save the document and convert to PDF (skip to part c below).
c. Add PDF Document to Docket Entry
Docket an event in CM/ECF and upload the main document and attachments as usual.