The Judges of the United States District Court for the District of Maryland note with great sadness the passing of Chief Bankruptcy Judge Wendelin I. Lipp. Judge Lipp was appointed to the Bankruptcy Court on April 3, 2006, and she became Chief Judge on June 1st of this year. In her brief tenure as Chief Judge she served with distinction and established herself as a court leader. Her passing is mourned by her colleagues, both on the Bench and among the Bar.
The Judges of the District Court are charged with appointing Judge Lipp's successor as Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court, and they have selected the Honorable Thomas J. Catliota to now assume this office, effective November 26, 2019, for a term of seven years. Judge Catliota began service as a United States Bankruptcy Judge on April 3, 2006.
United States Bankruptcy Judges are appointed by the Judges of the United States Court of Appeals in their respective Circuits, and they serve renewable terms of 14 years.